Released in 2002, Rumble Of 56 is Flatfoot 56’s indie debut. [This review is a bit shorter and more summary-style than usual, but the reason for this should become clear as you read. ]
The actual music (if not the vocals) in “Great And Marvelous”, “Poem”, and “All The Time” is quite good [foreshadowing what they would become later].
“Changing Times” and “Gutter Town” see a switch in vocals from trying to actually sing (as in the other songs) to a more gritty type of vocal that suits them much better [again foreshadowing their later sound].
Most of the songs on Rumble… are lyrically pretty good (especially “America’s Holocaust”, which is actually a very powerful song that is the best one on the CD).
Rumble also contains an awesome instrumental cover of “Scotland The Brave”, and a hilarious hidden track that features them goofing around in the studio.
Overall, Rumble Of 56 is a fair indie debut that provides an interesting look into Flatfoot 56’s early days. We’d recommend this CD only to die-hard Flatfoot 56 fans who want to hear what Flatfoot sounded like at the beginning of their career (and also to those who want to hear “Scotland The Brave” and the bonus hidden track antics ).