Runners-Up: NONE.
With Horseshoes & Handgrenades, Micah Sannan and Andrew Welch have now taken on the majority of the guitar-writing and -playing duties (indeed, Brad Noah features on only one track); and while (when compared to their previous releases) the lack of Brad’s distinctive guitar style is apparent, the guitars are in good hands, because they actually still feel like Disciple nevertheless.
The record starts off with “Dear X, You Don’t Own Me”, featuring great low orchestration throughout, and interesting lyrics written to negative emotions and feelings as if they were people, declaring freedom from those old ‘relationships’. It’s an excellent and memorable track.
“Watch It Burn” (the track featuring Brad Noah) musically kicks the heaviness up a few notches and showcases Brad’s classic, rhythmic guitarwork.
“Invisible” has firmly encouraging lyrics, and musically contrasts low verses with a chorus only slightly less heavy than the previous track. It also has a great instrumental outro.
“The Ballad Of St. Augustine” opens with an intriguing, fast-paced drum intro that builds in layers until the excellently heavy (and, indeed, occasionally Metal-styled) guitars kick in. It also contains some fantastic lyrics (particularly in the final bridge, which gave us goosebumps).
“Shot Heard ‘Round The World” features vocals that are generally even more heavy, emphasizing this track’s energetic defiance against death.
“Collision” is slower-paced but still has some great musical heaviness in the chorus and final bridge; and the chorus itself has the amazing quality of almost physically compelling you to close your eyes and just melt into it. This track is very memorable (and gave us goosebumps), and it’s yet another all-around excellent track.
“Battle Lines” switches back to a fast pace, and is again heavy with some Metal styling. The vocals are almost totally screamed or shouted, and (also again
) the lyrics are awesome.
“Remedy” again contrasts low verses with a rocking chorus (though featuring a different sort of guitar melody style in the verses). Interestingly, unusual pizzicato orchestration is also placed at certain points throughout; and the melody combinations in the chorus are very memorable.
“Eternity” is a bit heavier, though it does have an unusual melody combination between the music and vocals throughout the entire song (which may take until about the middle of the first chorus to get used to
“Revolution: Now” is a bit heavier still, and returns to their normal music style. It also features a great switch-up towards the end of the track, with some slightly suspenseful sound effects, cutting to a tiny fraction of silence, followed immediately by some great solo guitarwork and then the final bridge and chorus.
“Deafening” (featuring a collaboration with members of Stellar Kart and Kutless) has great lyrics and a memorable musical melody throughout (the chorus is memorable vocally, too). It’s yet another excellent track.
“Worth The Pain” musically weaves in dark, fast piano and a little orchestration throughout, and at several points they are contrasted with the heavy guitars to great effect. Memorable and with lyrics of firm hope, it’s the perfect track to close out the regular edition of the album.
Preorder Edition Bonus Content:
Those who preordered the album through Disciple’s website had the option to receive some exclusive extras, including a T-shirt, stickers, a short behind-the-scenes video, and (most importantly
) 7 bonus tracks. The band had actually wanted to put these tracks on the album but were unable to fit them in due to the limited number that they were allowed; so, they gave them away with a special preorder package. The tracks, which are indeed all excellent and very worthy of release, are as follows:
“Comedy Tragedy” is a heavy track with an intriguing, dark solo guitar line woven in at times. The lyrics are written to and about someone who is outwardly putting on a façade of happiness but underneath it all is really not doing well.
“Disasterpiece” is a classic, energetic and catchy Hard Rocker with (of course
) yet more great lyrics.
“Forget Me Not”, a song written to family back home, is excellent and very memorable (and gave us goosebumps)— and though all of the bonus tracks are great, we’d say that this one is easily tied with “The Fury” for the best of them.
“Fear And Suffering” features much heavier vocals and an appealing double sing/scream combination near the end of the track.
“Horseshoes And Handgrenades” has unusual and memorable verses (with slightly muted, and at times semi-spoken, vocals) and a rocking chorus.
“The Fury” is a rhythmic, energetic (and also very memorable) track that makes you want more. As mentioned above, we’d say that it’s tied with “Forget Me Not” for the best of the bonus tracks.
And the exclusive extras conclude with “Remake”. The only slow track of the entire release, it musically features just a bass and a low electric guitar played in a semi-acoustic style to place the focus on Kevin’s emotive vocals.
In all, this is yet another excellent (and Award-winning) album from Disciple.
Our rating for Horseshoes & Handgrenades: 5 & 1/3 Stars.